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  • Writer's pictureEric Akines

Carl Gould Designed Timeless Washington Park Masterpiece

Carl Gould was a prominent architect based in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, known for his unique residential commissions that blended modern design with natural surroundings. Throughout his career, Gould created numerous masterpieces that captured the essence of the Pacific Northwest region, earning him recognition as one of the most innovative architects of his time.

He was born in New York City and graduated from Harvard in 1898, then spent five years at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 1908 Gould moved to Seattle. After working briefly for other architects, Gould initiated his own practice. His early commissions were primarily residential and one of his first commissions was a dutch/gothic style residence on Federal Ave in Seattle that was the home for several decades of Teddy Roosevelt's granddaughter. So enamored by Seattle, Gould decided to remain in Seattle and founded the University of Washington program in architecture in 1914 and served as the first chair of the Architecture Department (1914–1926).

Throughout 1920 - 1940 Gould established his reputation as a leading architect in the Pacific Northwest. He was known for his unique approach to design, which blended modernist and traditional principles with the natural surroundings of the region. Gould believed that architecture should be rooted in the landscape, and he used the natural environment as a source of inspiration for his designs.

Gould's residential commissions were some of his most notable works. He designed numerous homes throughout the Pacific Northwest, each one tailored to the unique needs and desires of the homeowner. Some of his most well-known works are the Asian Art Museum located in Volunteer Park and the William E. Boeing House in the Highlands in addition to numerous buildings on the University of Washington campus including the acclaimed library.

Gould's residential commissions were not just beautiful; they were also functional. Gould believed that architecture should serve the needs of the homeowner, and he worked closely with his clients to create spaces that were tailored to their specific requirements. His designs were known for their clean lines, open spaces, and use of natural light, which created a sense of harmony between the house and its surroundings. His clients would often commission Gould because he was known for incorporating the following design elements seamlessly into each of his masterpieces:

  • Use of natural materials such as wood, stone, and glass

  • Open floor plans

  • Large windows to maximize natural light and views

  • Indoor-outdoor spaces that blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape

  • Integration of natural elements into the design, such as rocks, trees and water elements

  • Harmonious relationship between the building and its environment

  • Use of sloping roofs and horizontal lines to complement the natural surroundings

  • Emphasis on creating a sense of balance and harmony in the design.

In conclusion, Carl Gould was a pioneering architect whose unique blend of modernist principles and natural surroundings earned him recognition as one of the most innovative architects of his time. His residential commissions are a testament to his skill and creativity, showcasing his ability to design functional and beautiful spaces that are in harmony with their surroundings. Gould's legacy lives on in the many homes and buildings he designed throughout the Pacific Northwest, inspiring future generations of architects and designers to create spaces that are both beautiful and functional.

To experience the home in more detail please visit: and for a private tour, please feel free to DM me at 206.859.1119.

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